Have you ever heard about this qoute? 'I see human but no humanity' I believe that some of you have already heard or used this quote to describe something awful against humanity. Bloody terror is happen again. Now in Paris, France, right on Friday the 13th, a day that some people believe is a bad day. Bad thing also happened in Lebanon.I believe that terrorists have no specific religions. But one thing for sure, terrorist are people that have lost their humanity. I wonder why people right now tend to kill each other. I don't know when I will understand about this issue. A lot of things happened in this world that against humanity. What happened in Paris is only one example of many bloody tragedies in this world. You can name it, in Palestine, in Nagorno-Karabakh or in Arab States. Some people blames ISIS for all these terrors and some blames the U.S.A. I do believe that some of us are 'eaten' by the media. I could say that we need them to know every partic...
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