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Turning 25

I never really into birthday, I don't know but somehow I feel insecure everytime I realized that I am getting older. Probably because I am not ready to any possibility that might happen when I am getting older. 

People say that tertiary school is the best time or moment of life. This can be true because in that chapter of my life, I found friends that I can proudly say friend of life.

It has been 10 years since we graduated in tertiary school but the friendship remain the same. We might not always meet but they will always be there for me whenever they can, especially on my birthday.

As the youngest brother in my family, I found myself as a childish person. I am trying to get rid of the feeling but it stays within me. My tertiary school mates really know how to handle my childish and they exactly know "how to play with my heart".

This year, I turned 25. They always succeeded to make me feel abandoned and then they gave me feel that I was the luckiest man to have them as a friend.

This post actually I am writing as a gratitude to them, who always be there for me and could handle my childish, my ego and my 'crazy habit'.

I also want to say thank you for those who remember my birthday. I don't post my birthday on Facebook or any other social but you guys still remember my birthday. I really appreciate it.

In this very moment, I would like to say thank you for your presence in my life. I might not the best, but I will try to be the best buddy you have, because you have shown me that you are the best friends that I've ever asked for. Once again thank you.

P.S I : If you read this, probably you would feel dizzy but I want you to know that there is a guy that feel so lucky to have you around. That guy is me.

P.S II : I don't have to mention your names, you know you are on the list.


  1. Malam mas, boleh saya minta kontak whatsapp nya? Saya mau menanyakan soal program odp btn mas, terima kasih sebelumnya.


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