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South Island New Zealand

April 4th 2009, I went to Wellington's harbor. I was accompanied by Jamie, my dad's host family. That day was week end, it was Saturday. It was only Jamie and I on car, Jock didn't come with me. Jock was my host family, Jamie'son. He did not join us because he had something to do that day. If I am not mistaken, he had rugby match on that day. Since he got another thing to do, I had to go without him. 

When we left their home, I confused because I had no idea where would I go. I had no idea where Jamie would take me (Jamie or Jock probably told me but perhaps I did not understand when they talked about it). Second, it was the first time when I left their home, Jamie didn't give me something to eat for lunch (Jamie always made meal for lunch, he even cooked me Nasi Goreng and Mie Goreng). After an awkward moment on the car (I'm not good in public speaking, I really wanted to talk but I didn't know what to talk with Jamie) finally we arrived at Wellington's harbor. Well, I finally knew where this journey ended. Once again, I lost, I mean I did not know what we were waiting till I saw Lucho and Aji came and waved to me (in 2009 we had no social media except Facebook). I have told you that Jamie did not give me something to eat for lunch, but he gave me 20 New Zealand dollars and it was a lot of many for me. 

I didn't pay anything for that ticket. When Lucho and Aji arrived they already brought tickets for me. On the ferry, I surprised, it was the coolest ferry I've ever seen! I've never seen like that in my island, there is a cinema and a lot of things that make the passenger comfort and feel better. And the special thing, we saw a great view in the ferry, such as small islands, great blue sea, green tree and it was so beautiful.

After a long journey with a beautiful views that I saw (3 hours exactly). We arrived in South Island. I could not remember what the place called but sure it was a good view. Lucho brought us to play mini golf, honestly it was the first time to me playing mini gold. Although it was the first time for me I won that game. The game consisted of many levels and we wrote our score on a paper, very enjoyable. I wish I were there now.

Finished the game, we decided to find something to eat for lunch. Lucho gave us some option what to eat, but we decided to get some fish. Fish is my second option to eat, I didn't get used to to have fish as my lunch. I prefer chicken. When I ate that meal and I got stomach. That meal was around 12 New Zealand dollars (IDR 78000). After finishing our lunch, we decided to back home to Wellington. The ferry that we took to go back to Wellington was worse than the last very that brought us to South Island. But it was still fine compared with ferry that we had in our island. Before we left South Island, we took a photo on the harbor with our sheep.

Lucho had 2 sheep and one gone and the other fell in the sea. Forget to mention, I spent a lot of money on the ferry. I played a game on ferry that had a prize, the prize was chocolate. Maybe I spent around 35 New Zealand dollars. A lot of thing I really wanna share to you guys about my a week and a half in New Zealand, maybe I will write again someday.What an adventure that I will never forget!

The exchange participant with host family

South Island

Aji and I on the train

North Island to South Island scenary

In the front of Bee Hive

Lucho's big ice cream

Cuccurullo Family. My very first host family.


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