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WESA - World Ecological Safety Assembly


Right the day after election day, I and 4 of my friends went to Nusa Dua. We were asked to be the representative of International Relations 2011 to be volunteers of the second meeting of WESA (World Ecological Safety Assembly) in Bali. Amik picked us up at campus with her car, then we went to Nusa Dua, where the meeting is held. Nobody knew that there would be a interview test, cause on the letter than they wrote to us (IR department) written that they need 20 people to be volunteers, but on the spot we were tested. Lucky, five of us was chosen to be volunteers. I was interviewed by 2 people. The first guy is Sum, he's good. The second guy is Mr. Wang, he's also so kind.  It was hard to understand what did they said to me cause their Chinese accent. After all the volunteers were chosen, we had a brief explanation about what we're gonna do for the next 5 days till December 12. The facilitator also accompanied us to BNDCC and introduced us to the place where the meeting will be held.

The next day, we decided to go by motor cycle, cause the traffic was so crowded yesterday and we won't it happens twice. We came early and no job to do, but I got a chance to accompany Bangladesh's delegation to his room, though I only brought his luggage and we had no talk at all. At 2 PM we had lunch and went home, our Juniors from International Relations 2012 stayed in Nusa Dua untill night.

I arrived the hotel in the morning, then I was asked to pick up Mr. Sabar Sitanggang Sampit and Beni to the airport. I went to airport at 9.30 AM and their planes would be arrived at 11.00 and 11.25 AM. Honestly I didn't know what to do at the airport, I didn't have their flight number and I couldn't find Mr. Sum, the guy that should be there to direct me where to go. Finally I met 4 people that wore the same clothes like mine and they helped me. I had waited for 2 hours standing and no body to talk with till Mr. Sabar Sitanggang Sampit came and talked so nicely to me. I didn't meet Mr. Beni, so we left him. They were guest, so they had no police behind to protect them.

I went back to hotel with Mr. Sabar Sitanggang Sampit, he's good, we talked much, especially about book. I accompanied him to his room and let him to take a nap. A few minutes later, Miss (my senior) asked me to accompany her to the Nepal's delegation room. The delegate was VVIP and he asked us to accompany him to the tourist objects. I wasn't allowed to go with them, the committee said that I probably would be needed to do other job. I helped Miss to find Mr. VVIP from Nepal to find his friend. I was really confused of what I was doing until a VVIP delegate approached me. He asked me to copy the rundown. I was given some money by him.
Mr. Wang and I
At 4.00 PM I went to the airport with Tania, Icka, Clara to pick up 84 people from China. Like what I happened to the first time, we waited and finally they came. They were not able to speak English and three of us can't speak Chinese. They were divided into 3 buses and I handled one of the buses. I never thought that they would ask me to introduce Bali in front of them when we were at bus, with the translator from their team, I introduced Bali as much as I know to them. Though they were suck at first, but they were quite nice.
After handling those chinese delegations, I went back to hotel.  I met with the Bangladesh delegation, he was asking me to email his workers, I know his email and his password, not only me know his password, Clara also did. We talked much, he asked me and Clara to change his phone's sim card. It was hard cause we had no idea how to use Iphone, Yuni (my junior) helped us out. We spent the night talking at his room. We went home at 11.00 PM. At park place there was funny thing happened, my key fell into a small hole, the security helped me to get my key back.

I woke up late, all my friends had already gone to Nusa Dua. I was afraid but then I finally got to the hotel. Then I went to Klungkung Room, where was the office of WESA's (World Ecological Safety Assembly committee. There was many of my friends who waited for the job to do. A minutes later, Mr. Wang came and asked us who were free to picked up guest to the airport and the rest went to BNDCC (Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center). I didn't go to the airport, so I went to NBDCC. Mr. Wang explained to us what we were going to do there, he said there would be a buses that went to BNDCC and we had to follow the buses. We made jokes for that "yes we would follow the buses, right behind the buses". Arrived at BNDCC, we went to the office, nothing to do. Till Mr. Asan, our leader, asked me and Surya to went to the  hall to helped anything that we could help. 

One thing for sure, I went back to hotel to the Klungkung Room, we were asked to helped the delegates who wanted to back to the BNDCC. At Klungkung room, I met Mr. Wang then I asked him to take a picture with me. He is kind of funny guy, he said I had to wear my tuxedo, he had to be formal. He was the kindest guy of the event, I'm so glad to know him, especially he was an IR student, maybe he could be model myself after.

Then I met Mr. Abdul from Bangladesh, we stayed at his room for a while, he was nice. He wouldn't let us home, we danced, we sang, he promised to go with us the next day, but he was busy, so we couldn't make it. I 'll miss all of the moment, really I do, thanks for this huge experience, it's worth it. 

The day before this day I told you that I was in Mr. Abdul's room with Clara and Yuni. We home late so I decided to dropped by in Made's boarding house in Jimbaran. Arrived at hotel, I went to Mr. Abdul's room, we promised him to type his speech, but he said he would give us in the afternoon. We went to BNDCC. We were busy there, but I still had a time to had a new do, I went to barber shop with Yuni. It was the last day, like I said before, I couldn't meet Mr. Abdul, we couldn't make our promises to accompany him to beach. Clara and I text and called him to say thanks for his kindness. The worse part of that day is  that we have to say good bye to all the people, especially Mr. Asan & Mr. Wang and Mr. Sum, the Chinese girls also, she was nice, I don't know her name, and of course all the volunteers.

Mr. Sum and I

Prema, Amy and I
Told you, I had my hair cut


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