It's been a while. IR, what's on your mind when you hear these latters?
Frankly, when I was high school, I knew IR from my friend Vania Anggawa, which lightly made me thinking that I should be one. Such a shame to admit, I took this matter because I want to go abroad. I didn't do some deep research of what they learn and how they live (IR students). Hence, now I got a bit regret of what I have done to myself. In IR, we learn politics, they tought me how to be critical, sometimes by my word I called it negative thinking. In IR, there is a theory of Realism, that believe our human nature is anarchy, and human is a bad thing that only wants to reach their objectives without thinking about others objectives. I don't know why, today, right now while I'm typing this blog, I feel I don't belong here. It takes me to 2009, when uncle Cuccurulo asked me what I want do for living, I said, with my own answer, I want to be steward. I'm not whining, but I think I did. Sometimes I thought this is life, you have to power thru it, no life is easy. The only thing that makes me 'survive' is because I don't want to let my parents down. This is my decision, I have to responsible for it. But thanks God, you gave me those people that could put a laugh or a smile on my face every single day. What I try to tell you is think a thousand times before you decide something, especially the big things that you can not just go if you don't like it. I don't want you to be like me, someone who used to believe on his choice, but then regret it like I never wanted it so bad. So high school students, go make your own history life, don't let ppl include your parents give a shit to your life, your life you live it today!
Bank BTN adalah salah satu dari empat BUMN dalam bidang perbankan. Bank BTN dikenal sebagai bank pelopor pembiayaan perumahan dan memang bisnisnya fokus pada KPR. Kali ini saya akan membagikan pengalaman saya mengikuti seleksi Officer Development Program (ODP) PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero), Tbk tahun 2017. ODP sendiri merupakan posisi tertinggi yang dapat dilamar bagi fresh graduate . Selain Officer Development Program (ODP) ada juga General Banking Staff (GBS) , Bussiness Supporting Staff (BSS) , Secretary, Customer Service dan Teller Service . Saya akan menggambarkan sedikit pengalaman saya dan tahapan seleksi yang sudah saya lalui dalam seleksi ODP BTN 2017. Saya berharap dengan pengalaman saya ini dapat membantu teman-teman yang sedang atau akan melakukan proses seleksi ODP Bank BTN. Pengalaman ini didasari pada proses seleksi tahun 2017, jika dikemudian hari ada perubahan harap menyesuaikan. 1. Pendaftaran dan Seleksi Administrasi Pendaftaran ODP ...
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