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LO APEC SME Ministerial Meeting

With Ibu Amy Gumelar

I need time to think what is the perfect word to start my writing. The answer is OK. OK, this is my third year as the student of International Relations. Since I was in my very baby year, I mean first year, I was obsessed to be LO. Incase you don't know, LO is Liaison Officer, which its duty is to accompany the delegates from some states during their stay in some place. In 2011, my friends got chance from my department to be LO in Bali Democracy Forum, in 2012 they got another chance, and I didn't. Now, my time is come.

But this chance wasn't coming from my department, it came from my friend that attended the interview and told me the number of the person that interviewed her. I didn't know if there was an interviewed to be LO, I didn't even know the recruitment. I will let you know how could this happen.

In August 27, I went to campus to arrange my study plan card, and it was done that day, it means I shouldn't have gone back to campus the next day. But well, I didn't do that, I went to campus and my friend told me about she was interviewed to be LO. I asked her the phone number and I decided to text that number's holder. He replied my text and asked whether I speak other language beside English or not. I answered no, and he gave me other opportunity to another events but not the events that my friend told me, because he got all the LOs already. The next day I went out and didn't bring my phone, I didn't know why I decided to back home though my business hadn't done yet. And there it was, when I stepped in to my room, my phone was buzzing. It was from him, he asked me to be LO of the coming up event (of course I had an interviewed also by phone), so yes I said yes, and my dream to be LO has just archived.

My first time being LO, I had to assist Korean delegates. They were very nice, the minister didn't talk much but in the end of the day he offered me to shake hand and said thank you for helping him while his stayed in Bali. I got one Security Officer as my partner, his  name is Kanisius. He comes from Pontianak. Humble guy that I thought he was much older than me, but he is 22. This event I only worked for a day, but more than 24 hours. I love being part of this event, and I can't wait to be part of another one.

In this experience I learned many things. There was a day when South Korea and Indonesia had a bilateral meeting. I told the Indonesia Liaison Officer that the Korean Minister would be at the venue before 8 in the morning. I talked to Indonesia's deputy minister also. The fact was Korean Minister arrived first at the bilateral venue and there was no waiting room. They wanted to come in, I had no choice but let them in. Unfortunately, the protocol was the host country should arrive first and come to the room first. The deputy minister of Indonesia mad at me. I was sorry for my decision. I think this can be prevented if the Indonesia's delegates came earlier.

The Korean delegates gave Kanisius and I the same USB as a gift. Another thing, this event coincidently had the same venue with Miss World 2013. I saw all the contestant of Miss World 2013 in Westin Nusa Dua. I didn't have a chance to take picture since I was busy to work. 

I, Korean delegate, Kanisius


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