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Nusa Penida

Crystal Bay Sunset

Nusa Penida is an island located in southeast Bali. Well known with its natural beauty that people usually share on Instagram. Visiting Nusa Penida had been on my list and I was really excited finally able to visit the island with my buddies Odika, Leony and Fiesta. The trip was actually spontaneous since I currently living in Lombok. 

On May 22nd, we decided to meet at McD Sanur at 7 AM in the morning. I was the one that came first, followed by Odika, Leony and Fiesta. After having breakfast, we booked Uber, left the McD and straight to the harbour. The harbour is actually quite close to McD Sanur, beside the Bali Beach Hotel. With the helping of Fiesta's mother,  we got the 9 AM tickets. Return ticket price was 150.000 IDR per person. The trip was just a walked away to start. 
(Tips: There are gonna be many people that would offer you some ticket to Nusa Penida with higher price, I suggest you to take public boat with cheaper price)

Taking around 30 minutes, we finally arrived at Nusa Penida. Since I told you we spontaneously visited Nusa Penida, we had no straight itinerary and kind of mapless. On boat we offered by the staff to rent a motor bike, 75.000 IDR per day. Landed to the harbour, he approached us and brought us the motorbike.  This time I realized, that for a small island Nusa Penida ain't that small island at all. 
(Tips: If you want to take car with driver, it takes around 400.000 IDR per day, if you can drive motorbike, I suggest you to take this one, cheaper and you can explore by yourself)

Asking for a local help, we finally found an inn to stay, Simpang Inn. Simpang Inn located in the west of the island, right before T junction that bring you to Crystal Bay. The Inn was good, with IDR 350.000 per day, included breakfast and wifi. There are many places to stay in Nusa Penida, some included with swimming pools. But I bet you are gonna spend the day at road and barely swimming, get the cheaper homestay would be good options. Unfortunately the wifi was not really good, when you hoping a real fast connection in the area that hard to find a cell phone signal. Since all of us never been to the island, the reception man offered us to be our guide. Odika suggested us to take the offer to avoid getting lost in this literally big island (compared by Nusa Lembongan or Gilis). (Yes you should take    local guy to visit Atuh, I can't remember the road but if you got a map, you can go by yourself)

Based on reception man that I called 'Bli' (a term to call older male brother in Bali), our first destination was Atuh Beach. Atuh Beach located on the opposite of our inn. Since it is on the opposite, it took more than an hour to get there. Yes more than an hour, a long journey to what peoole say for a 'small' island. After passing ups and downs road, we arrived at our destinations. Before visiting Atuh Beach, Bli brought us to Pulau Seribu that exactly beside the Atuh beach. 

Visiting Pulau Seribu and Atuh beach ain't an easy thing since the rough road that we had to pass. Don't forget we also had to walked down the hills and hiking the hills back to where our started. Eventhough it was tiring,  I could say that it was worth it. Tips, don't forget to wear sunblock to cover your skin, the weather here is hot. In Pulau Seribu, I didn't watch my step, ended with falling and left some scars in my right hand. There are some small shops in Pulau Seribu and Atuh beach, if you didn't bring water just like we did, so you are gonna be fine. The price is higher than normal, but when you realized their effort to bring the foods there, you would see it as normal price. 

After spending like 2 hours in Atuh, we decided to comeback to our Inn. Bli suggested us to catch sunset at Crystal Bay since the location quite near to our inn. Funny thing about the motorbike that I rent, when Odika and our guide had bought petrol twice but I didn't buy any, even once. What a strong motorbike .

It also took more than an hour to get into Crystal Bay, we arrived at the beach right before sunset. When we focused on the sunset, we didn't aware that my sandals and Odika's bag swept by the waves. Lucky there was a lady that spontaneously saved our stuffs. Leony's phone was on the bag and her screen phone was broken by the accident. Avoiding the day got darker, we went back to our inn directly. 

Clean up at our inn and had dinner. The journey left us with sweat smell and dirty. So we went back to inn to take a shower. I was suggesting to have dinner in front our inn. But Odika wanted to buy some things in mini market near harbor, so we decided to have dinner near the harbour. To get there we had to through dark road with no street lights but paid off with an amazing clear sky above ud. We had Lalapan for our dinner. Stopped by at the mini market,  we went back to our inn and ended our first day by playing card. I didn't know why, but I couldn't sleep well  I slept at 12 AM and woke up at 5, writing the blog that I had wrote some in Atuh, but unfortunately I didn't save the file so I had to write it back again.
Here a picture of me in Nusa Penida


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