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Bandung Life

I have never thought in my mind that I would stay in Bandung for a long period of time. Actually, I hesitated to go to Bandung but my parents encouraged me to go. I went to Bandung without any preparation. I asked my friend in Bandung to get more information, I was all on my own.

I arrived at the airport at 9 PM. I had no idea where to go. I planned to stay at the airport but my parent forbade me to. The airport also ain't support to stay. Hussein airport is quite small. I looked for the guest house at traveloka and I found an affordable price guest house called PELE in Taman Plesiran Bandung. I did not book it on traveloka, I was willing to book when I get there.

Another issue, how to get there? 

I opened my Gojek app to find go car, it costed IDR 17K. Unfortunately the driver afraid to come to the airport and he cancelled the order. Since the driver cancelled my order, I decided to take travel taxi on airport, it costed IDR 100K. So expensive compared by Go Car. The driver was nice and helping, helping me to forget the price a bit.

Arrived at PELE, I got a room. The price was 150K a night, the rest room outside, no TV only bed, chair, and electronic fan. But who need fan in Bandung at night? The price was cheaper than I saw at Traveloka. I made a good decision by booking on the spot.

The next day I tried to find boarding house. A bit hard to find it if I could mention, but I found one. It costed IDR 1200K with laundry, wifi, rest room outside but with hot water.  I got deal at IDR 1000K without laundry. My boarding house living was fine with the WiFi and hot water. On August 28, I decided to comeback to Bali and Lombok and did not continue my boarding house.

Sept 5, I received email from BTN. I  was invited to medical check up. I booked the ticket immediately for the next day flight. Since I had experienced, I knew what to do when I arrived at the airport. I took the same exactly flight.
I booked Go Car, because I did not want to pay more for something that I could get cheaper. The driver did not want to enter the airport. He politely asked me to walk out the airport. He would wait outside. I brought my luggage for maybe 1 KM until I met my driver. The Go Car costed IDR 17K and some tips. The price still cheaper than the airport taxi. I stayed at PELE again. This time I got IDR 120K with TV, electronic fan, indoor restroom. I wonder how could this room cheaper than the last time. Probably because the last time was in first floor and it looked better than this time room (even without TV and restroom inside).
This was my first boarding house
I tried to find another boarding house. The previous boarding house only available IDR 1700K room, I couldn't afford it. After walking around the I found the new boarding house, costed IDR 650K per month. Compared by my old boarding house, this is worse. To get my new boarding house, I have to walk on small tiny street, fit for people and motorbike only. The rest room outside, no hot water or wifi. Actually I could get used to with this, since I only stay at my room. The problem comes from my boarding house mates. They are a couple. In the morning, I found some vegetables on rest room. I cleaned it up, the next day I found it again. At night I found two buckets of  dirty laundry in the restroom. My boarding house is in second floor, they hang their underpants right before the stairs. The room and the rest room are really bad, but the neighbor is the disaster. I really hope I could get back to Lombok or finding my result soon. I am not gonna share my new boarding house right now, but I will share it when I am ready. 

Sept 11, I should have done CPNS test in Lombok. I  did not attend because it would cost money to buy plane ticket to Lombok and back to Bandung. I  hope I made the right decision, Kemenkumham texted me today, a reminder to join the test. In life we have to choose.


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Pengalaman Tes ODP BTN 2017

Bank BTN adalah salah satu dari empat BUMN dalam bidang perbankan. Bank BTN dikenal sebagai bank pelopor pembiayaan perumahan dan memang bisnisnya fokus pada KPR. Kali ini saya akan membagikan pengalaman saya mengikuti seleksi Officer Development Program (ODP) PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero), Tbk tahun 2017. ODP sendiri merupakan posisi tertinggi yang dapat dilamar bagi fresh graduate . Selain Officer Development Program (ODP) ada juga General Banking Staff (GBS) , Bussiness Supporting Staff (BSS) , Secretary, Customer Service dan Teller Service .  Saya akan menggambarkan sedikit pengalaman saya dan tahapan seleksi yang sudah saya lalui dalam seleksi ODP BTN 2017. Saya berharap dengan pengalaman saya ini dapat membantu teman-teman yang sedang atau akan melakukan proses seleksi ODP Bank BTN. Pengalaman ini didasari pada proses seleksi tahun 2017, jika dikemudian hari ada perubahan harap menyesuaikan.  1. Pendaftaran dan Seleksi Administrasi Pendaftaran ODP ...

Samapta ODP BTN 45 (Bintalsik)

Chapter baru dalam hidup saya officially dimulai ketika saya menandatangani kontrak sebagai trainee Officer Development Program (ODP) Bank Tabungan Negara pada Jumat, 22 September 2017. Setelah selesai pemberkasan dan tanda tangan kontrak, kami diantar menuju LPPI sebelum besoknya harus melakukan samapta / bintalsik (bina mental dan fisik) yang rencananya dilakukan di Ringdam Bogor. Dikarenakan Ringdam sedang ada kegiatan, kegiatan samapta dipindahkan ke Brigade Infanteri Para Raider 17/Kujang I Batalyon Infanteri Para Raider 305 / Tengkorak Karawang. Dari namanya saja sudah cukup seram, logonya pun tengkorak. Secara keseluruhan saya cukup menikmati kegiatan ini. Beratnya hanya kurang tidur saja dan beberapa teman  yang kurang bisa menempatkan diri sehingga mengakitbatkan teman lain ikut dihukum.  Selama pendidikan dua orang menanyakan saya kenapa tidak masuk tentara, saya jelaskan dulu pernah coba polisi tapi gagal.  Impian jadi polisi TNI kembali muncul tapi jal...


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