Last month I went to Bank BTN to apply a job, suddenly my brother told me that Bank BTN was looking for an employee but the applicant should apply online. I applied online and decided to apply on Bussines Support Staff. I was not pretty aware with 'you only have to apply one position' and I applied as Customer Service too.
March 29, I was told that I made the administration test and invited by them to join first interview. The interview was held today. It was like any regular first interview, I felt quite happy because they explained everything to me. I also asked about outsourcing and they said if I get accepted I would directly be hired by BTN.
I can not believe this happen to me, when I did not make it in RSUD (Well I passed the interview, but I only got reserved finalist), God gave me another chance. I still have no idea where future would take me. Yes, I am tired of waiting, I am tired of letting go opportunities, but I realize that I have to walk forward and never stop trying.
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