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Story to Remember

I woke up early this morning since my dad called me to wake me up. I prepared and had breakfast then directly went to harbour. My ferry left at 8 AM in the morning and had to wait around 30 minutes to get landed. I arrived in Bali at 12.30
From Padangbay to Denpasar, it took around an hours. I tried as fast as I could (the meeting was at 2). I arrived in my sister's place at 1.30. Before going to my sister' place, I popped in supermarket to buy hair gel. I did not take a bath and put my pants and shirt on. Damn I forgot to bring socks, so I did not wear it. In addition my pants were very tight, I gained 8 KG in Lombok. Prepared things up, I went to the place that Air Asia wanted me to. 

On the road, I remember I forgot my wallet, I decided to back and took my wallet. Back to road again, another problem, I saw number 88 (the caller told me the office is number 88), but it was Wall's ice cream. As long a I remember, the caller said that the office in North of Diamond ice cream. I passed the number 88 that I saw but later decided to return on the u turn just to make sure. I was right to pass it, it was not the office. Another problem appeared, my motor fuel was empty, it was hard to find gas station in by pass ngurah rai, lucky I found someone who sold it. 

I finally arrived in the office, but it was Indosat. I asked the security just to make sure that PT.Persada was there. Yes, I was right. Before I arrived in the office, I checked my phone and saw that AA text me. I said I was in the location already and told that I just arrived in Bali. I late and it was not good feeling.

There was 13 people on batch 3 GSA Air Asia. Four (include myself) were from Sept walk in interview and the rest from Sept 2016 walk in interview. Something bothered me, the fact is that we are not hired by AA, but by PT. Persada, the third party. In that meeting, PT. Persada introduced themselves and mentioned our right. At in the end of the meeting, we were asked, would we go through or not. There of us (including myself) said that we needed more time to deliberate and they gave me time until tomorrow at 2 PM. 

Until right now, I haven't decided whether I take it or not.
P.S I will write again soon, just to write things that I forget mention above. I attached the pictures of us: last four standing Air Asia GSA September Walk in Interview. 


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Pengalaman Tes ODP BTN 2017

Bank BTN adalah salah satu dari empat BUMN dalam bidang perbankan. Bank BTN dikenal sebagai bank pelopor pembiayaan perumahan dan memang bisnisnya fokus pada KPR. Kali ini saya akan membagikan pengalaman saya mengikuti seleksi Officer Development Program (ODP) PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero), Tbk tahun 2017. ODP sendiri merupakan posisi tertinggi yang dapat dilamar bagi fresh graduate . Selain Officer Development Program (ODP) ada juga General Banking Staff (GBS) , Bussiness Supporting Staff (BSS) , Secretary, Customer Service dan Teller Service .  Saya akan menggambarkan sedikit pengalaman saya dan tahapan seleksi yang sudah saya lalui dalam seleksi ODP BTN 2017. Saya berharap dengan pengalaman saya ini dapat membantu teman-teman yang sedang atau akan melakukan proses seleksi ODP Bank BTN. Pengalaman ini didasari pada proses seleksi tahun 2017, jika dikemudian hari ada perubahan harap menyesuaikan.  1. Pendaftaran dan Seleksi Administrasi Pendaftaran ODP BTN bisa

Samapta ODP BTN 45 (Bintalsik)

Chapter baru dalam hidup saya officially dimulai ketika saya menandatangani kontrak sebagai trainee Officer Development Program (ODP) Bank Tabungan Negara pada Jumat, 22 September 2017. Setelah selesai pemberkasan dan tanda tangan kontrak, kami diantar menuju LPPI sebelum besoknya harus melakukan samapta / bintalsik (bina mental dan fisik) yang rencananya dilakukan di Ringdam Bogor. Dikarenakan Ringdam sedang ada kegiatan, kegiatan samapta dipindahkan ke Brigade Infanteri Para Raider 17/Kujang I Batalyon Infanteri Para Raider 305 / Tengkorak Karawang. Dari namanya saja sudah cukup seram, logonya pun tengkorak. Secara keseluruhan saya cukup menikmati kegiatan ini. Beratnya hanya kurang tidur saja dan beberapa teman  yang kurang bisa menempatkan diri sehingga mengakitbatkan teman lain ikut dihukum.  Selama pendidikan dua orang menanyakan saya kenapa tidak masuk tentara, saya jelaskan dulu pernah coba polisi tapi gagal.  Impian jadi polisi TNI kembali muncul tapi jalan orang beda-

Pura Secapa Bandung

Pura Secapa Bandung / Pura Vira Chandra Dharma I might not really a religious person but since I live in Bandung I realized that I have nothing but God to talk about everything. I did not know that there is a temple near Bandung until my friend, Erwin, accompanied me to visit the temple. Since then, I regularly visited the temple, to say thanks and to share what I have in mind with God.  Pura Secapa located in Indonesia Army area. The temple has a sure name (Pura Vira Chandra Dharma) but since it is located in Secapa (Sekolah Calon Perwira TNI AD), this temple known as Pura Secapa Bandung. This area is guarded by Indonesian army, to get here, we have to open up our helmet or car windows. The temple located near a church. If  you visit the temple in Saturday or Sunday, you will meet many people go to church.  Whenever you are, do not forget with your root. When I visited the temple with Erwin, we met a man who told us about 'how it would be living in Bandung as a Hind